Saturday, July 10, 2010

A little simile

Rapture simile at Price Chopper

In April, Price Chopper, one of our local grocery stores, came out with a new discount card. It has more perks, they also count points for 2 months and you get free groceries depending on how much you spend. As a cashier, we ask almost everyone who hands us an old card to up date to the new card. We even send the application paper home with a few hoping they will bring it back. We also have been telling the holdout customers that the old card will eventually not be any good - no discounts.

The old cards died at midnight Tuesday.

Today, I had a ladie complaining when I asked if she wanted to sign up for her new card, she really wanted the discounts - she'd already stressed that point. Then she got mad that the old card was no longer helpful.

"Did they put it in the paper that the old cards would no longer be useful?"

"Ma'am, we've been switching to new cards since April."

"They told me last week it was still good."

"It was good, until Tuesday."

"Well did they put that in the paper? No one told me they would end."

We can change this scenerio just a bit.

"Jesus Christ is coming soon. Repent and be saved!" said Saved.

"I'll do it later when I have to." said Toolate.

Jesus Christ is coming soon. Have you repented and been saved, yet?" asked Saved.

"I'll take a Bible home with me and maybe think about it." said Procrastinator.

Did you hear? Jesus Christ came last night." whispered Toolate. "My friend Saved is gone."

"Why didn't Saved tell us Christ was coming last night?" grumbled Procrastinator. "If I'd known, I'd been saved yesterday."

"Why didn't they put it in the papers, and on TV, or at least the radio. We didn't have a chance to be saved." whined Toolate.

Posted by Eat, Fart and Bark at 12:29


  1. Outstanding, young lady!! There are many situations in life that mimic fo what you wrote.
    Too many folks have the beengonna or ifida diseases-I'been gonna do something about my spiritual life., or, If only I'da done something about it.

  2. That last post should have said "of" instead of "fo."
